What is Content Marketing, and why is it important?

Content marketing creates relevant content to attract, acquire, and engage your audience. While content marketing can be anything your organization starts to share its story, it only qualifies as content marketing if it aims to drive customer action. 

Unfortunately, today your buyers and customers are thrust into a crowded market filled with marketing messages. As a result, marketers are challenged by attention scarcity.

Today’s content marketing allows marketers to become publishers – build their audiences and attract their attention. 

While purchased content marketing can be adequate, when you publish your content, you benefit in three significant ways:

1. Build brand awareness for your brand.
2. Create a style preference for your brand.
3. Reach more buyers and potential customers.

National Women’s History Month

National Women’s History Month

Collective EffervescenceBlack women leaders of change: a panel discussion with pioneers, transformational thought leaders, and unapologetic women Discussions about African American women and their intersection with racial, gender, and class oppression have a long...

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It’s personal

It’s personal

BLOG It's PersonalOne man's broccoli may not be another man's broccoli, because all superfoods aren't superfoods to us all.If you follow health trends, it's difficult not to notice the word "superfood" used frequently. From quinoa, broccoli, spinach, and  blueberries,...

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