Everyone is talking about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) But why is it so important?

Diverse, fair, and inclusive cultures foster connections, increase acceptance and tolerance, create trust and improve morale. Of course, all of these are important and beneficial in their own right. But an effective DE&I strategy also improves a business’s bottom line.

Diverse workforces lead to a more creative workspace, significant innovation, and better business outcomes. A 2017 study by McKinsey found that the most diverse organizations outperform competitors by 33% and are 21% more likely to experience above-average profitability. In addition, decision-making by various teams delivers better outcomes than that of individuals 87% of the time.

Do Well by doing Good!

National Women’s History Month

National Women’s History Month

Collective EffervescenceBlack women leaders of change: a panel discussion with pioneers, transformational thought leaders, and unapologetic women Discussions about African American women and their intersection with racial, gender, and class oppression have a long...

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It’s personal

It’s personal

BLOG It's PersonalOne man's broccoli may not be another man's broccoli, because all superfoods aren't superfoods to us all.If you follow health trends, it's difficult not to notice the word "superfood" used frequently. From quinoa, broccoli, spinach, and  blueberries,...

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